© PWilliamson

© PWilliamson

© PWilliamson
Abbey Sainte-Marie, Souillac
Benedictine abbey originating in the 10th-century
Built between 1075 and 1150, the Abbey Sainte-Marie ranks among the finest examples of Romanesque and Byzantine architectural styles in the south-west of France.
Laid out on the plan of a Latin cross, the sanctuary was inspired by the church of Haghia Sophia in Istanbul. It shares some architectural similarities with the Saint-Front Cathedral of Périgueux and the Saint-Étienne Cathedral of Cahors.
Repeatedly ruined and plundered during the Hundred Year War, the abbey was recovering thanks to the tenacity of the abbots, but later the religious wars caused even greater damage. Rebuilt in the 15th-century, the abbey actually ceased to exist during the Revolution, its buildings being transformed into tobacco store.
When to come
Open daily from 08:00 until 19:00.